Friday, October 19, 2007

Child sex trade stimulates debate

Aimhigher visit to the University of Bedfordshire

The AS and A2 Sociology classes plus the Access groups enjoyed a thought-provoking and insightful visit to the University of Bedfordshire. Professor David Barrett delivered a lecture on the subject of “Child sex work and child trafficking in NW Europe”. Professor Barrett has conducted extensive action research on this topic; visiting many Western and Eastern European countries in the process.

After the lecture, the students debated such salient points as, “Why do governments allow this to happen?”, “In whose interests do governments work?”, “Why is the client group mainly male?” and “Why are the sentences for child trafficking less than those for drug trafficking?”

This debate then sparked further discussion on the subject of moral government, the commoditisation of humanity and finally, “Is the liberal West to blame anyway for its own problems in this area as it condones the commoditisation of all goods, including the sex trade?” “If this is the case," it was argued, "why should child trafficking be treated differently? Surely, the goods are only supplied if there is a ready demand? Within capitalism the market will ultimately decide on what or who is for sale.”

This was a powerful gathering and in true university style, it culminated in several different conclusions.

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